Nintendo (NES)

This 3rd Generation console was released in Japan in 1983, the US in 1985 and Europe in 1986. The NES supports a total of five sound channels, two of which are pulse channels with 4 pulse width settings, one is a triangle wave generator, another is a noise generator (often used for percussion) and the fifth one plays low-quality digital samples.

Here are the links for the available soundtracks for the Nintendo console.

System # of Games MediaFire Last Updated
Nintendo (NES) 834 (11.7 GB) All #-P
All 02/21/2021

Some information about the different download sites.

  • has the soundtracks as individual games and downloads can be automated with Jdownloader2.
  • MediaFire has the soundtracks combined by the first letter.
  • ​ has the soundtracks as individual games. To select more than one at a time, click on the "+" at the bottom right.

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