Sega Master System

This 3rd Generation console was released in Japan in 1985, the US in 1986 and Europe in 1987. The SMS provides sound by the SN76489 PSG chip for the US release, which can provide three square wave channels and one noise channel. The Japanese version also integrates the YM2413 FM chip for an increase in sound quality. When possible both types of sound are included.

Here are the links for the available soundtracks for the Sega Master System console.

System # of Games MediaFire (Individual Games) Last Updated
Sega Master System 209 (2.85 GB) All All All 6/6/2021

Some information about the different download sites.

  • has a wait period for the free account (or no account) download option, but can be automated with Jdownloader2.
  • ​ has the soundtracks as individual games. To select more than one at a time, click on the "+" at the bottom right.

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