Windows 3.x

This music is designed to work with eXoWin3x v2.0 using Launchbox.

System # of Games MediaFire OneDrive Dropbox Last Updated
Windows 3.x
650 (15.9 GB) All #-O
- - 12/03/2021
Windows 3.x (Title Only) 650 (1.4 GB) All - All All 12/03/2021 has the soundtracks as individual games and downloads can be automated with Jdownloader2.

NOTE #1:

Extract all files to <Lauchbox Install Dir>\Music\Windows 3x

NOTE #2:

You will need to edit Myst in Launchbox and remove the existing music link before it will be able to use this update by following these steps.

  1. In Lauchbox, click on Myst
  2. Press CTRL+E or right click and choose Edit->Edit Metadata/Media
  3. Click on Media and clear the Game Music Path
  4. Click on OK

After doing these steps, the next time Myst is selected it will use this version of the music.

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